[RANT] Why It's Not Anti-Consumer For Sony To Exclude PS4 Controllers on...
Are people really suggesting that Sony is wrong and anti-consumer by not allowing PS4 controllers to work on PS5 to play PS5 games?! That is how every console generation has functioned for the past 40+ years. Allow me to break down why that expectation is ridiculous: As many have said this is how virtually every previous console generation has gone. New console -> new games -> new controller. Even when a controller change may be as simple as adding a button or two, it still was a requirement for playing the new games on the console Sony is still allowing PS4 games to be played on PS5 with the DualShock4 controller. The PS4 controller and all it's games were designed with those specific capabilities in mind. It makes sense that since the PS5 will be backwards compatible with PS4 games, that you can use the older controller if you choose. If THIS was not the case, I can somewhat see people complaining here about the strategy being "anti-consumer" and such (i.e if...